27. februar 2008

Car 2008: "Houston, we have a problem!"

Klokka er tre på natta i Norge og i hodet mitt. Her i Houston er den bare åtte på kvelden. Jeg har akkurat ankommet for å delta på CAR 2008, den store årlige konferansen i USA for "computer assisted reporting" i regi av Investigative reporters and editors. Programmet lover godt med mange praktiske sesjoner:

One track of panels will show how mash-ups, wikis, interactive databases on the Web and other applications can help build and present investigative and in-depth stories. The top practitioners in the country and the world will be in Houston to lead this exciting track.

There also will be panels at which beat reporters can learn about databases for their areas of interests and how to analyze those databases to produce high-impact stories on a regular basis. Other sessions will address the interest and needs of editors ‑ who need to know how to ask the right questions and bulletproof CAR stories ‑ and of broadcast journalists who work under heavy deadline pressure.

Dette lover godt!

Jeg er her sammen med kollega Ståle de Lange Kofoed og sammen skal vi prøve å få blogget en del om godbitene fra konferansen. Men først skal jeg prøve å sove bort jetlagen.

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